What we can learn from the Anableb

4 eyed Anablep: An analogy for focusing on the present and the future at the same time
The Anablep is a South American fish that has one set of eyes below the water and another above the water.  This enables it to see prey below the water while simultaneously scanning for predators.  This is a useful analogy from Colin James.  In the current crises we need to attend to immediate challenges and opportunities, while at the same time we need to plan our post Covid-19 strategy.  We need to avoid adopting long-term solutions for a relatively short-term problem. 
For example, adopting a permanent “Work from home” policy without thinking through some of the potential downsides such as performance management, loneliness and engagement.
HR professionals need to get up to speed with strategic issues so that we can make a useful contribution to organisations’ long-term effectiveness.

L&D Strategy Developer Assignment                                                  Melbourne
Our client in the aged care sector seeks a contractor to develop a L&D Strategy for medium and longer term.  The person needs to demonstrate expertise in L&D strategy.  Ideally, they would have experience in the Aged Care or Health Sectors.  Start is immediate and the assignment should take a month or two to complete, depending on how many days per week they will be working on the research and assignment.  Expressions of interest to: reg@polson.com.au 

Home Office – Shine wearing off?
Even for an introvert like myself, working on my own without Gabrielle or Janine around is starting to wear thin.  Do you identify with this YouTube clip?
Hello from the inside: Hello (from the Inside) An Adele Parody by Chris Mann
I find I really do want more that Zoom relating.  This is not surprising.  In the past I have noted that most of the single operator consultants who want to reenter organisations on an employment basis do so because they start feeling isolated.  (The way to counter this is to structure face-to-face interaction with a colleagues and friends.)  

There are advantages and disadvantages from working from home.  It works for some, not other.  HR professionals need to work through the issues and recommend what level of flexibility is appropriate in each organisation.

Stockdale Paradox
I was going to write a series of items on how we can manage the downsides of Covid-19 crisis impact, yet at the same time look for what we can do to take advantages of opportunities it presents both now, but especially in the future where the world will be different.  Then I watched Paul Mitchell’s short 5-part series on staying healthy and successful in the crises.  He says everything so much more concisely persuasively than I do.  I highly recommend you watch the series.  I found episode 1 and 5 particularly helpful.  This may be a good series to recommend to your teams:

Episode 1: Good Grief

Episode 2: Hugs of Hope

Episode 3: Nothing More Than Feelings

Episode 4: The Meaning of Life

Episode 5: The Stockdale Paradox

Leadership Insights 
The “One-to One” leadership series with Barry Cassidy on the ABC features a number of good leaders talking about their leadership practices.  I found the one featuring Peggy O’Neil the President of Richmond Football Club one of the most useful to learn from.  Worth checking out on iView.

The “History of Rome” documentary on Netflix featuring Julius Caesar is thought provoking on the downsides of democracy as well as autocracy.  If you think history is irrelevant to the present, consider how the USA and China are managing the same crises.   

AHRI Survey on Covit-19 Impact on Organisations
The Australian Human Resource Institute conducted a survey in April on how Covid-19 was affecting organisations.  This is a useful comparison for HR professionals which they have generously made available to non–AHRI members as well:  Download report

Guard Against Complacency
With the curve flattened, it is easy to slip into complacency.  The recent outbreaks in Victoria at McDonalds and Cedar Meats highlights how quickly outbreaks can flair and spread.  They also illustrate how damaging it is for businesses to have to close down and put large numbers of people off work.  Then how to persuade customers and employees to return?  The following humorous YouTube clip may be a useful reminder to people you work with that we still need to be careful
Coronavirus Rhapsody (based on Bohemian Rhapsody)

“Don’t develop a long-term solution for a short-term problem.”  A phrase from the movie, “Hollywood”.